What's New
January 15, 2025
/ Available from v2025.3
Introducing Personal Song Favorites, now available from v2025.3.
How It Works:
Personalized Experience: Your song favorites are just for you; they are not shared favorites between other users.
Add Favorites: Just click the heart icon next to any song in our song register and it’s saved to your personal favorites list.

Manage Your Favorites:
- Sort and Filter: Once you’ve got your favorites going, you can sort or filter the song register to show only your favorites or simply sort by them. Say goodbye to the hassle of keeping a separate list just for your top tracks.
Disabling favorites for your entire group:
- Disable If You Prefer: If you prefer your team to not have the favorites features, head over to Admin Configurations > Personal Song Favorites and select ‘Disable Favorites’.

Do you have any suggestion to how we can improve Choruby? We’d love to know.
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